
Senior Living

Are you or a loved one facing challenges in moving freely and performing everyday tasks due to discomfort or injury? Consider PT Unlimited as a specialized treatment option designed for seniors in the Heritage Valley Senior Living facility at 30 Heckel Road, near Heritage Valley Kennedy Hospital/Formerly Ohio Valley Hospital. Our services are exclusively offered to the residents currently living at the Heritage Valley Senior Living facility.

At PT Unlimited, we understand the unique needs of seniors and are dedicated to providing personalized physical and occupational therapy tailored to the whole person. Our team of highly trained therapists uses cutting-edge strategies to manage pain and proven treatments to restore function, ensuring the best possible results for you.

We take a comprehensive approach, performing thorough assessments that lead to lasting pain relief, maintaining and improving function, maximizing independence, and preventing falls. Our caring staff is committed to assisting you in your recovery journey and helping you achieve your health objectives.

Our clinic boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced physical and occupational therapists, ready to address any pain, injury, or discomfort you may be experiencing. PT Unlimited has earned a reputation as a popular choice for seniors seeking pain relief in Kennedy Township, PA, and the surrounding areas.

Our mission is to assist you in regaining mobility, independence, and an improved quality of life. If limitations in your mobility or an injury is holding you back, we can help you resolve these issues and get back to enjoying the activities you love.

Are You Ready To Lead A Healthier Life With the Help of PT Unlimited?

If you’re seeking effective solutions to resolve aches and pains, recover from injuries or surgeries, and improve your overall health, look no further. PT Unlimited is your go-to physical therapy option in Kennedy Township, PA and the surrounding areas.

Our team is eager to meet with you and collaborate on a personalized treatment plan for fall prevention and gait and balance work to maximize independence and enhanced well-being. Before designing your rehabilitation plan, we will thoroughly assess your symptoms, medical history, and any health constraints to identify the root causes of your condition.

The physical therapists at PT Unlimited will then tailor your treatment plan to address your specific needs and goals. We believe that everyone who entrusts us with their care can achieve their desired outcomes with our guidance and support.

Rest assured that our team of experts will guide you back to health and help you achieve your highest level of functioning. We take pride in providing a pleasant, welcoming environment where you can recuperate comfortably and quickly.

Give us a call today to get the results you’ve been looking for!

Meet Our Dedicated Physical Therapists

Our dedicated staff at PT Unlimited’s Kennedy Township, PA physical therapy clinic specializes in working with seniors like you. We understand the unique challenges you may face and are here to provide effective treatment for any pain, injury, or condition you’re dealing with.

Our physical and occupational therapists are among the most skilled in the field and will treat you with compassion and encouragement throughout your rehabilitation journey. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we will explain your condition clearly, focusing on treating the root cause rather than just the symptoms.

We know how important it is for your recovery to understand your condition and the steps needed for a successful outcome. Our team is always available to address your questions and concerns, providing clear instructions and explanations every step of the way.

If you’re looking for real results, don’t hesitate to call us today!

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Services at this location

What You Can Expect With Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment option for a wide range of symptoms, injuries, and conditions, especially for seniors. At PT Unlimited, we prioritize treating the whole person and conducting comprehensive evaluations to identify the root causes of your pain and injuries.

Our team is renowned for helping seniors like you resolve issues, improve overall health, and enhance well-being. In addition to treating your current condition, we provide you with the tools and education to prevent future pain and injuries. Imagine being able to play with your grandchildren, take leisurely strolls, or participate in activities without discomfort or limitations!

Our ultimate goal is to help you move, feel, and function at your peak ability, making your life easier and more enjoyable. With our expertise, you’ll be able to resume your favorite activities and daily routines before you know it.